
Join us for



The Self & Soul Event

10th July, Kelham, Nr Newark

A day filled with connection to self – outside of the roles you play within life, outside of business


A day filled with connection to soul – connecting with your deeper wisdom and allowing greater trust

When you create space for you, you create magic and possibility and you move out of confusion and procrastination into flow and conviction


Self & Soul is a day to connect with more depth, more clarity and more allowing – of all that you are


A full day event, with speakers and workshops so that we can DO the work as well as be inspired moving forward

Our Amazing Sponsors!

Sue Wright is the owner of Aspire with Sue, and is a business strategist, life coach, counsellor, relationship therapist and hypnotherapist. Sue works with clients who are struggling to keep all their plates spinning but need support to identify which areas needs attention. The answer, usually, is to look at every part of their life.


Having worked for over 25 years in the corporate world, Sue left because she found it so frustrating that by trying to achieve so much, at work, at home, in our relationships, we eventually lose our own self, and we cannot identify what inspires and motivates us. 


She has created a business that is exactly what she would have benefitted from at the time but could not identify what she needed and how to get it. So Sue gets it!


Using a combination of therapy and coaching Sue helps clients focus on themselves, identify any subconscious beliefs that may be holding them back or causing repeated behaviours and Sue then produces a unique program to improve and maintain all aspects of their lives.


The variety of her work covers anxiety, low mood, lack of motivation, low self-esteem, relationship issues, grief, and loss. 

Sue Wright

Aspire with Sue

Andrea Rainsford

Creating Business Growth

Andrea Rainsford, a heart-centered, soul-led entrepreneur, proudly sponsors this event to foster meaningful connections and unite women in a shared journey of self-discovery and empowerment.


As a heartfelt storyteller, Andrea has spent the past 17 years on a transformative quest to reconnect with her soul, navigating through moments of intense joy and profound despair. Her journey has taught her the invaluable lesson that life’s true essence lies in the connection to our inner selves.

Melany Simpson is the face behind The Spa Life.


Having survived 10 years as a working single mum, Melany’s mission in her new ’empty nest’ life is to encourage more people to prioritise wellbeing and self-care.


As part of her brand, ‘The Spa Life’, she does this by bringing the relaxing essence of the spa into workplaces and homes. She partners with the gorgeous spa brand TEMPLESPA, using products that activate the senses to enhance the rituals and routines that help navigate overwhelm and stress to find calm.

Melany Simpson

The Spa Life

Your Speakers

Anne-Louise will share

How to Channel from your Higher Self to feel Aligned in Life & Business

Vicki will share

The Power of Resistance & Dangers of Misalignment

Andrea will share

Finding your Way Back to the Light

Self and soul event

Event Details:


  • A 930am arrival for a 10am start, with an anticipated finish of 430pm-5pm


  • Some wonderful speakers and workshop hosts will draw out magic and hold the most incredible space to do the work and deepen connection and awareness 


  • Refreshments throughout the day, with a light lunch and the opportunity to connect with other delegates


  • Practical tips and strategies from ‘speaker round table’ at the close