05 Sep I Don’t Believe in the Spirit World
I don’t believe in the Spirit World.
I’ve worked as a medium since 2012 and I have taught development for most of those. I started sitting in development in 2008, actively developing my mediumship after an experience at a workshop I attended.
I’ve served spiritualist churches for their divine services, I’ve demonstrated and done private sittings.
Yet as I sit here today, I have to say I don’t believe in the spirit world as a place we move on to and remain in when we pass back to Spirit. I don’t believe in the spirit world as a place where we stay, grow, learn with the individual personalities and characteristics that we had in body.
It is something I have struggled with ever since I started working professionally. It’s something I have tried to rationalise and find a way to accept, because of the evidence of continued life which is generally presented when a contact connects, giving information, evidence and their message to a loved one.
When we are learning a new skill, we learn and absorb information from those who have been working with this skill for longer than we have, who know more than we do.
We are open to learning, we are teachable and yet even with the teachings and guidance from some truly wonderful mediums and teachers as I have walked my path with Spirit through mediumship, I know I cannot carry on with my work with Spirit without being truly frank about my beliefs, which have solidified over the last few months and given myself space within my spiritual work.
I don’t believe when I pass from this world, I will still be “Nicola”, existing in the spirit world, doing my stuff. I don’t believe my Dad, my Grandpa or my Gran are in the spirit world, doing whatever they are doing as my Dad, Gramps and Gran.
I have had too many experiences within life, moving into Spirit and through past life awareness to believe that I move into the spirit world when I pass and retain my human characteristics, with my soul continuing to evolve within its individualised (human) form.
Existing in the spirit world with my, or your, individuality is not evolution. It is what I, and you, learn here and now through this life we live which is the evolution open to the individualised aspect of soul.
I wholeheartedly believe in the Spirit – I believe that is actually God, Source, the Living Light or whatever other form of intelligent energy you know it by or wish to call it.
Over the last 20 years of teaching, when students have asked me about my thoughts about soul, I have been clear that I believe the soul which exists and lives with each of us is but a small segment of a greater whole or a collective soul. And that there are a number of collective soul energies as part of the Spirit.
I’ve usually described a collective soul as an orange – with so many ‘segments’; each of those segments being an aspect of that whole, with some of them being in body, with different individuals, and some segments remaining in the etheric, with the collective soul. Perhaps this is why we have deja vu – because other aspects of our soul collective are also incarnate and those different aspects receive and give impressions?
Through my experiences, my development and my work (both spiritual and with soul), I trust that when we pass from this world, the aspect, the ‘segment’ of soul that is within us, passes back into the spiritual realm and rejoins the ‘orange’ – it rejoins the collective soul and it does not remain as the individualised, personal part which we house within us in life.
The learning, the experiences, and aspects of the character and personality of the individual person, and which are important, are absorbed into the whole of that soul.
The collective soul absorbs the experiences of each of its segments’ incarnations; they simply become part of the experience, knowledge and awareness of the collective soul as a whole, with the soul or any aspect of it being able to draw on any and all incarnated experiences that the full soul holds – and it can relay the essence of those to us.
So what do I believe about the spirit world? I believe that it is simply a transitionary space that the soul aspect passes through on its way back to the whole orange, the full and collective soul.
That the soul aspect receives healing or recalibration energetically (as it is transitioning from being held in a denser vibration) and that, sometimes, due to the requirement of the full soul, that aspect may remain for longer in the transitionary stage, acting as a guiding, supporting or a teaching energy to humankind.
Time, as we know, is vastly different in the energetic and spiritual realm than it appears here. Time is always now in Spirit, and in those moments of absolute unity with all that we are, we, as humans, can experience through deep meditation, sitting in the power of the soul or the power of the Spirit, timelessness in the moment.
Therefore the ‘time’ that a soul spends moving through the spirit world on its way back to its collective soul, can vary immensely in a linear perspective. It may be days, weeks or months. Sometimes it may be years, although I feel that is increasingly rare. And there will be times during this transition through what we consider and know as the spirit world, when that energy is accessed through mediumship.
Yet ultimately, unless there is a specific reason for the soul to remain closer to humanity than to the Spirit, it moves back to the entire soul. When we, as mediums, link with a ‘contact’ whose soul aspect is no longer in the spirit world, we do so through a soul (ours) to (collective) soul link: we are linking with the whole soul which has absorbed the experiences and the essence of the life of the individual and which is able to relay that to us because those experiences are held within the energy of the collective soul.
This means that often, within mediumship, we are not communicating directly with an individual or the individuality of a contact but rather with the awareness of them which is held within soul. We receive the energy as an individual because that is what is required for us to receive, understand, allow and accept them.
This doesn’t negate the love which is brought through at all, for love is the energy of soul and the energy of the Spirit.
One of the things which is foundational within mediumship development is sitting in the power. It is a process whereby you sit in the energy of your own soul and then, as your energy and light expands through that exercise, the light and energy of the Spirit (world) draws near. You don’t, and you’re not meant to, experience an individual contact within the spirit world and I have found that often the light of Spirit, which draws close during this process and which you attune to, is actually the Spirit (God) rather than necessarily the spirit world.
The reason this practice is a cornerstone of mediumship is because it enables one to attune to the energy of soul and it is the light of soul which draws, calls, the spirit. This process supports and enables the ability to connect through and with the energy of soul to access the information and remembrances which have been absorbed and are held within it.
And so, I can’t, and don’t, believe in the spirit world in the sense of it being a place we transition to and live in as we were here. I don’t believe we stay as individuals once we have transitioned from this life. I believe the collective soul houses, holds close, the experience of being in body and is able to recall and relay that. And this is a separate state from the spirit world.
From a past life experience perspective, awareness received in this life from previous lives relays the energy, experience and awareness held within the collective soul, which the soul in the here and now is part of, and which is necessary for the individual to know or ‘remember’ from a learning perspective or to bring healing, or growth to the collective soul, which is served by the incarnate soul. This doesn’t mean that I, as ‘Nicola’ have actually ‘lived’ that life – it is a life lived of which information is held in and through soul.
Why am I sharing this? Firstly, because more and more people are opening up to their spiritual development through mediumship. Your foundational practices will support everything, and empowering through soul and connecting through soul will always enable what truly serves and supports.
Mediumship isn’t a one-moment wonder; it takes time to truly develop your attunement and your understanding so, take your time, work with tutors and mentors who both inspire you but also support you, the individual and who support and encourage you to find your own answers. Above all, trust what you know to be true through the experiences you encounter.
Secondly, because it is my truth – and if you work with me within a spiritual development perspective, it is important that you understand my beliefs around mediumship, the spirit world and Spirit. I can’t teach, or share what I don’t believe in because it doesn’t serve you, or Spirit, when it isn’t founded in truth.
I don’t expect you to hold my beliefs or come from those within your own work. I know that much of what I share will resonate and much of it goes against what you feel and know about spirit. We all have our own path to walk.
Some of you who have worked with me over recent times already know this (and I thank you immensely for your support) and those of you that have developed with me and worked with me know why I place so much importance on knowing your own truth within your work, and understanding your own mediumship.
Finally, because energy is changing and expanding. People are becoming more aware of the direct energy of the Spirit and their ability to access it and receive it. Soul is our direct link to that energy because soul is the Spirit, held within the human body. As more and more people start to link with their own soul energy, and lead with that, the attunement to the Spirit or the spiritual realm refines and you start to live that within life.
There is so much about the unseen, energetic, spiritual world that we have not previously known and have not been aware of in the way that is becoming available to us now. It is so important to discover what is actually true for you – none of us know what we don’t know and there isn’t a spiritual teacher alive that knows it all.
We are all learning, developing and unfolding, all the time, with our lived experience being our truest guide.
With much love, Nicola x x