01 Jun Overcoming Early Mediumship Development Habits
Someone asked me recently what I thought the three key challenges were within developing our mediumship.
To be honest there are many hurdles we have to jump over because mediumship is a continuous process of unfoldment – we are always learning more, always meeting and overcoming more limitations, more challenges.
We never get to ‘that’ place because there is always more to unfold, always more to allow – and that is how it should be so that as we meet one potential, the door to the next potential opens and that is the same for Spirit was well. As we meet our potential, we open another potential for them to work with us and support and enable.
Developing good mediumship isn’t the easiest of journeys; there are lots of changes in the way we work and in how we unfold as we develop and change can be a challenge because, as with any aspect of change, it takes us outside of our comfort zone!
The unfoldment of your mediumship is no different – it requires you to be comfortable with change and with feeling uncomfortable.
However there are challenges we create – often within our own way of thinking about and working with Mediumship, and these are generally habits formed in our early development. Recognising where these appear in our mediumship and working to change these can really support our development:
1. We reach for information
In the early days of development it is easy, and we are often encouraged, to reach for information – to reach out to the ‘contact’ and search for information. When you think about it, every connection is different because every person is different and so we don’t know what they want to bring forth – so how can we reach? Every aspect of spirit wants to communicate and what we need to be able to do is create the space and freedom within our energy to receive that communication
2. Striving for ‘the message’
When we think of a mediumship link, a lot of the time we have information, information, information and then we have ‘the message’ in the last few minutes of the communication. When we are developing we can often find that information flows and then we come what the ‘contact’ wants to say (the message) we are stumped. And this is because the WHOLE of the communication is the message, not just the final few minutes
3. Evidence over essence
Evidence and information to validate who you are receiving information from is essential, both in a demonstration and in a one to one sitting but in my opinion this should not replace the essence, the presence of that energy we are working and linking with. One thing a recipient will never forget when receiving a communication is feeling the presence of their loved one with them at the time – words will fade but that experience won’t; it will sustain, support and comfort them long after the words have faded.