
The Sacred Soul Guidance Deck


& Course

Empower Yourself, your Life and your Purpose

A transformational deck containing all eleven Soul Signatures®


access your deepest wisdom with clarity and confidence

“Our commitment to our own inner wisdom, the soul, has never been more important.


To live a life that’s aligned, that feels truthful, is fulfilling and purposeful – a life which we love…? 


That demands that we open fully to the energy of soul”

Do you want to:


Deepen your connection, gain clarity and build confidence?


Empower yourself, your life and your purpose?


Trust your alignment with Soul?


Trust yourself more fully and allow yourself more freely?


Build an intentional daily Spiritual practice?

Then the Soul Guidance Deck is for you


or go deeper and get the course as well

About the Deck

The deck is a collaboration with Spirit, with Soul and with the Angelic Realm – channelled to support us in enabling the greater emergence of soul expression to work with, through, and as part of who we are.


It contains all eleven Soul Signatures® – dynamic points of light within the energy matrix of soul and which connect directly to the expansion, need and expression of your soul and follow the 11 stages of soul activation.

The Angelic and Ascended Master Signatures are a direct link to the energy of the respective Angel or Ascended Master.


The deck is both practical and energetic – keywords which you can work with on a daily basis and yet infused with an energetic dynamic which resonates with your energy to support awareness, insight, guidance and healing. The deck encourages your relationship with it, your partnership with it – supporting clarity and trust as your relationship with it deepens and builds.


Whilst it can be used as an oracle deck for general soul guidance and inspiration, it has come into being so that we can do the work of soul.

“I Love The Deck! Out of all the cards in there, there were a few that kept coming out repeatedly. It was amazing & so spot on.

It’s so much more than any other decks I’ve used & I’ve used a lot. I feel it’s part of me we’re so connected.’ – Tracy Mills


“The deck is completely different from other decks. The energy is very magnetic and tangible. I feel my deck knows me, and I have trust in my deck.” – Annie Banerjee


“I loved working with the deck, they are beautiful to look at and feel nice but also to work with.

I could literally feel them when I worked with them and they also feel gentle and nurturing and supportive too. I look forward to choosing a new card each day ❤️” – T. Thorpe


“The deck is different and I know my connection with them is growing into a wonderful partnership” – Margaret Leatherday


“Your cards are so spot on! I think these are going to become a favourite deck to read with for clients. They are so intuitive to use. I love the wording on them and that they lead you into your own understanding of their energy.” P. Woodsford

Empower Yourself, your Life and your Purpose

Sacred Soul Deck



£33.00 incl UK p&p

Card Deck & Course



£222.00  incl UK p&p

Card Deck & Course


Access your deeper wisdom

ConnectionClarity, Confidence

You use cards but you’d like to go deeper with their guidance and use them with greater focus 


You want to lean into Soul and work with Soul Signatures® actively


You are ready for more – more of life and more of you


You would love guidance and support to be more intentional with a spiritual practice so it really works with you and for you


You want a deeper connection, greater clarity about yourself and life and more confidence to live your life, your way

Sacred Soul Guidance Deck with


Connection, Clarity & Confidence Course


A course to deepen your connection with yourself through working with the Sacred Soul Guidance Deck, supporting clarity and building your trust and confidence in your innate wisdom, delivered electronically with a live monthly call and a facebook group .


  • Working with the card deck for weekly and daily intentional focus and purpose


  • Working with the Soul Signatures® to understand and allow the direct guidance of soul for where you are now and the expansion it’s asking you to lean into 


  • Energetic practices to support activation and implementation


  • Information books and journalling prompts for reflection and journalling to integrate awareness and insights


  • Specific practices and spreads with the deck – deepen your energetic relationship with your cards


  • Work with the Signatures for specific areas of life

The course is delivered digitally, via email


Pay in full or pay over three months



What Course Participants are saying:


‘I loved this course, as it gave me the chance to build a relationship with my soul as well as the deck “The Sacred Soul Guidance deck”. I loved the content which I found interesting, and well planned and thought out. I looked forward to each week and it became the highlight of my week.

The course has helped me and given me insight and tools to implement and develop myself further. I feel more aligned with soul now and my biggest takeaway was that I can evolve and I have that ability within.

Working with Nicola was brilliant. Brilliant. She is a marvellous tutor, she is very knowledgeable and experienced.

The deck is completely different from other decks. The energy is very magnetic and tangible. I feel my deck knows me, and I have trust in my deck.

If possible, I will do this course again as I really enjoyed it. I have done several courses with Nicola and have found all of her courses very well organised and interesting. The last seven weeks have been magical!’ –

Annie Banerjee, Medium & Tutor

‘I joined Connection, Clarity and Confidence to learn more about myself, to understand “soul work”. The weekly online group was lovely. So nice to know who is on the course with you and put a face to the name, sharing our information and insights.

It has helped me to understand how I can help myself, to support myself, for myself and I now have a stronger connection to myself. More understanding of the inner and outer me.

My biggest takeaway has been clarity and more confidence. Nicola is lovely to work with, nothing is too much trouble, she is clear and concise in her voice and wording. Also if you don’t understand just ask.

The last seven weeks have absolutely been Connection, Clarity + Confidence!’ –

Margaret Leatherday, Spiritual Healer & Trance Medium

‘I loved the daily practice of it, picking a card and working with it every day. This has helped me set a daily practice for myself in order to learn more about myself and my soul but I have also loved the support from Nicola and the other ladies supporting me too.

I wanted to connect to my soul and listen and be guided by it more and the last seven weeks have helped me make changes in my everyday life, understand and put changes in place.

I have recognised what is important to me and been able to put changes in place in order to prioritise these. I am much more confident in myself when talking to other people and with my self-esteem, I know what I want more, what values are important to me, how I want to show up in life and so much more!

Because it has now become part of me it is hard to remember how far I have come in 7 weeks but I really know I have. My biggest takeaway is that I am worthy of putting time and effort into myself and my journey and what’s important to me.

Nicola has been absolutely fantastic, so supportive, non-judgemental, kind, nurturing and very very knowledgeable. I would recommend Nicola to everyone I meet!

I loved working with the deck, they are beautiful to look at and feel nice but also to work with.

I could literally feel them when I worked with them and they also feel gentle and nurturing and supportive too. I look forward to choosing a new card each day ❤️

The last seven weeks have been awesome. I have loved the journey I have gone on with these cards – sometimes more difficult and some resistance!, but most of the time encouraging me to reflect and grow and I know I have. I would recommend both the course and working with Nicola! ‘-

Treena Thorpe

Your Card Deck contains:


11 Soul Signatures – soul activations identifying stages of soul resonance, growth and expression


18 Angelic and Ascended Master Signatures – guidance from the angelic and master realms to support development, awareness and healing


12 Soul Inspirations – practices to allow or work with to support soul


5 Power Elementals – practical support for the needs of your energy system

Pay in Full or Pay over Three Months


You’ll receive a confirmation email and some welcome information and then the course will start delivery three days later, to allow time for you to receive your card deck.

Course FAQ


Q: How is the course delivered?

A: The course is self-study with information books to support each aspect being sent via email and a live monthly group call with me to go through the work, move resistance and support you with any work or questions.


Upon joining, you’ll receive a welcome email and then the course content will commence delivery 3 days later to allow for you to receive your card deck.


Q: How long will I have access to the course materials?

A: All of the course materials can be downloaded so you have access to them for as long as you need them. 


Q: Is there a community aspect?

A: Yes there is a FaceBook Group for a community feel – and you can also contact me within the group or via email or messenger with any questions.


Q: When will the live sessions run?

A: The live monthly sessions run on a Sunday morning and are an opportunity to ask any specific questions and receive guidance or support


Q: How much time do I have to commit?

A: As with anything the more you put in, the more you will get out. Time-wise the information to work through/ review each week is around 30 minutes. Ideally, I’d love for you to pick a card each day as an intentional focus and reflect for 10 minutes on that – and in reality this is probably more important than the information book.

There will always be periods and day where life throws you a curve ball and it is also important to understand where you genuinely can’t commit time and where you are meeting resistance in doing so because of growth and limitations you are pushing through.