22 Jul Soul is an Experience
One of the challenges I see time and again is people feeling as though they haven’t yet found their soul purpose – what are they here for? And it is limiting. It is debilitating as well – I mean, how would you feel if you were working and living life, moving through each day and yet feeling as though you haven’t yet found that ‘one thing’ – the ‘IT’ that you are here for?
It is soul-destroying to move through life feeling as though you have missed the boat.
So let’s reframe that right now, and we can because I believe beyond any shadow of doubt that soul is not about purpose, it is about experience.
Soul is an experience and the purpose of soul is for you to experience it and be in the experience of it.
What’s more, it is a constantly shifting experience – so once you ‘align’ and are in the experience of soul, it shifts and changes. When we look it from this perspective, we can also realise we never fully align, full stop, with soul – because when we do align, it is an indication for soul that we are ready to expand and grow – ergo, shifts happen, energy moves and what we were aligned to no longer is – we have to expand with soul so we have to align to a different frequency, a different self, a different state of being. (Of course, from a divine perspective we are always fully aligned and can never not be; realising it within the human vehicle and experience is different to a fully divine experience).
There’s lots of talk, awareness and knowledge about energy, spirituality, expansion within energy and awareness; there’s lots of talk of expanding one’s conscious awareness, becoming more aware of your multi-dimensional self and yet within soul we, humanity, are keeping ourselves limited, constricted and restrained because there is a focus on soul purpose and soul alignment rather than a focus on being in and allowing the experience of soul.
Let’s look at soul.
Soul is source energy, it is the divine – the creator, God, however you view that; as humans we are simply not made to house the full energy of Source and so we hold a ‘cell’ of that energy which is Soul. And it is housed physically within us – it isn’t a concept ‘out there’ – it is directly held within the hara area (lower middle abdomen) within us. And if we consider that Soul is Source energy itself, then we have to consider that it is intelligent.
As something intelligent, do you really believe that Soul incarnates within you with limitation? With a singular focus which doesn’t allow for you, within the human experience, to realise something incredible and to shift your own goal posts?
I don’t.
I believe, by the very act of Soul as intelligence itself, in expansion, possibility and potential.
Soul wants you to stretch. It wants you to reach. It wants you to expand beyond what you believe is possible into what might be possible. It wants you to jump of the cliff and in doing so, learn that you can fly.
Soul wants you to realise as much potential and expansion as you possibly can; it doesn’t seek a singular purpose for you. It seeks everything for you – all that you can be and more than you believe.
Soul itself has a purpose – it wants to experience the human existence as freely and fully as it can; by doing so it gains immense knowledge about how to bring the vibration of light (and the purest vibration of love) through the density of the physical being into material existence.
In order to meet its purpose, it has to be able to expand and express through us, through you. In order to achieve that, you have to expand – you have meet your potential and then move beyond it into the next opportunity, the next potential; you have to be continuously expanding so that you can encompass more and more of who you are – both from a mental, emotional and spiritual perspective.
So soul is not a purpose from a human perspective. Soul has a purpose but as an individual living a physical life, you have myriad purposes – some of which will stay with you throughout your lifetime, some of which will dissipate once you have met them to allow a deeper, fuller experience with a different purpose. You are not limited by a single purpose and you are not defined by any purpose. You are not defined by meeting a ‘soul’ purpose nor are you defined by feeling that you haven’t found it, unless you chose to let yourself be defined in that way.
Soul is an experience. It is pure energy, and like all energy, it is experienced in the moment. You can have a remembrance of soul from a past moment but the truth of soul is only every experienced in the moment, and in the moment when you are in its experience, there is no doubt. There is no hesitation. There is no wondering if it is real or imagined. There is absolute certainty of knowing, a knowing which rises up and through you without apology, without hesitation and without requiring any validation whatsoever because it is simply felt and known through every single fibre of your being.
Each experience of soul, and each experience within soul, builds on the previous – creating faith, trust and certainty, both in yourself and the experience you’re having in the moment but also within your belief of soul as an intrinsic, divine part of who you are.
Soul is also an experience within life, guiding you to experiences within life – if it didn’t guide you into situations and circumstances you weren’t expecting, how would you meet growth?
If you can view soul as an experience, and know it is present in all experiences – you can ask of it ‘what is the experience you are guiding me to understand or allow in this moment?’ – that single question, and leaning in to allow whatever rises within as the answer, will do more to align you to a sense of ‘soul purpose’ (a sense of soul being a purposeful part of your life) than seeking to understand what your soul purpose is. Indeed, in seeking soul purpose you are consciously, or unconsciously, actually moving away from an understanding of soul itself.
If you can see yourself, all of yourself and your life, as your soul purpose – being you as fully, freely and expansively as possible; living with the joy and love that you are at the forefront of your human experience – if there was a soul purpose for any individual, that would be it. If we could meet that, then we would directly be enabling soul to meet its purpose.